Leadership Weaknesses? Not Me, I’m ‘Called’!

Monday, September 1, 2014

PenguinsToo many of us in leadership believe our own press about how important, qualified and skilful we may be. Leaders in faith-based organisations can especially feel that being “called” comes with the idea we are infallible. Unfortunately we are also human (I’m sorry if this is a revelation to you), fraught with imperfections and foibles that other people see, even if we don’t. The issue isn’t having a leadership weakness, it’s how we handle them that counts.

In a recent Business News Daily posting entitled ‘5 Leadership Weaknesses and How to Fix Them’ Nicole Fallon looks at 5 common leadership weaknesses that we are all susceptible to.

The list of identified leadership weaknesses are below, but if you want to know how to fix them, you’ll have to read the article.

  1. Accomplishing goals without a vision – doing without direction;
  2. Not trusting employees – micro-managing;
  3. Excessive connectivity – being a poor role model and dis-empowering employees;
  4. Stagnancy – becoming comfortable and failing to continue to adapt and innovate;
  5. Needing to be liked – rather than being understood and respected.

LeadershipMemeAt one time or another in my leadership I have fallen foul of all of these, how about you? Maybe it’s time to admit we are not perfect so our leadership can go to the next level.

The Avondale Business School can help you and your team develop leadership skills – find out how by contacting Warrick Long at the Avondale Business School.

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P: 02 4980 2168