
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Chances are some of you will have just had a shiver run down your spine and your blood pressure rise. Others of you will be feeling exhilarated and eagerly anticipating what lies ahead. The mere thought of chaos polarises people between these extremes.

Because organisations are typically moving from one chaotic state to another nowadays, it is important to try and make the most of your available resources while still succeeding.

ChaosIn a recent article dealing with Chaos, Peter Economy proposes 9 strategies that can enable you and your organisation to thrice amidst chaos. While reading the full article (found here) will be of most benefit to you, following are the 9 strategies in point form:

  1. Adopt fluid and situational hierarchies
  2. Value and foster communication skills throughout the organisation
  3. Operate with a high degree of internal transparency
  4. Solve problems by “letting a thousand flowers bloom”
  5. Value and make use of improvisation
  6. Focus organisational learning on judgement, creativity, and scenarios
  7. Define your company by its mission
  8. Invest heavily in knowledge workers
  9. Empower people doing work – especially entrepreneurs and innovators

Are you maximised to thrive in chaos? Which of these strategies do you need to implement to ensure your business success?

The Avondale Business School can advise your organisation on being effective in these areas – find out how by contacting Warrick Long at the Avondale Business School.

E: [email protected]

P: 02 4980 2168