Making Your Career Count

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Social ImpactIf you want to have a social impact, what is the best career for you? A new online tool has been launched by 80,000 hours, a Centre for Effective Altruism member whose name comes from the approximate number of hours that the average person will spend working in their lifetime. They have developed a career recommender, which utilizes a 6 question quiz in order to recommend the 4 best social impact careers individuals are suited to. Currently 25 careers are able to match those taking the quiz, and it is expected that this number will increase. “We expect the career recommender to remain a core part of our career guide in the future. It’s already useful, but it will become much more so over time as our research expands and we ‘review’ and rate a wider range of paths, especially those in which people can achieve great things without having to have far above average quantitative or language skills, change the questions to more precisely measure people’s key abilities [and] check that it gives good answers for any possible set of inputs,” Executive Director of the Centre for Effective Altruism, Rob Wiblin, said. Read more here.

– Peter Williams, HRM Lecturer, Avondale Business School