Stress Busters

Sunday, September 27, 2015

ChaosIn the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale there are a number of events that if they occurred within the past year and when added together, can provide a rough estimate of how stress will affect your life. For an adult, death of spouse tops the list with 100 points. Divorce is next at 73 and so on. Incredibly, at number 7 with 50 points is being married – not getting married, just being married! It rates as more stressful than being dismissed from work (47 points), being pregnant (40 points), or the death of a close friend (37).

There are many more mild things that all add together to give us stress, and they need to be managed to ensure that we can live life to the fullest. Nicole Fallen from Business News Daily recently wrote about three changes we can do that will help us beat stress. The full article can be read here and is worth the time to do so, but the summary of these changes are as follows:

1. Change your habits

  • Schedule breaks into your day
  • Devote time to physical, mental and emotional self-maintenance
  • Keep a handwritten to-do list

2. Change your communication

  • Socialise with your co-workers
  • Use the right communication tools
  • Cut ties with negative people in your life

3. Change your mindset

  • Accept you’re not immune from stress – but remember that you can overcome it
  • Stop thinking you have to be right
  • Remember that all negative situations will pass.

Before leaping to conclusions or dismissing these suggestions, take the time to read the full article to see them in their context and what it is they are trying to achieve. It is time well spent.

The Avondale Business School can advise your organisation on being effective in these areas – find out how by contacting Warrick Long at the Avondale Business School.

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