The Value-Creating Board

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Value creating boardsMcKinsey & Company released earlier this year their latest report into what is a value-creating board. The full report and commentary can be found here, but following is a selection of quotes and highlights and challenges for your board.

Striving Boards:

  • Rate particularly well at strategy and performance management, and want to spend more time each year on strategy
  • An exceptionally strong culture of trust and respect, and board members and the management team constructively challenge each other
  • The chair runs the meeting well, seeking feedback after meetings
  • Spend on average 41 days per year on board duties

Complacent Boards:

  • Only 9 percent of directors rate their boards as effective at ensuring the company has a viable CEO successor
  • They struggle to embrace feedback and rarely engage in any form of evaluations
  • Spend on average 28 days per year on board duties

Ineffective Boards:

  • Few report a culture of trust and respect in the boardroom
  • Few directors seek out any information on their own
  • About 1 percent say they received sufficient director induction training
  • Spend on average 32 days per year on board duties

What type of board do you have? Is it time to review how you function and aim to become a striving board? The Avondale Business School can assist your board to become a high performing board – find out how by contacting Warrick Long at the Avondale Business School.

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