Sweet poison

The popularity of a display by two Avondale Library staff members may encourage others to remove sugar from their diet. Lynette Frazer and Sharon Kenealy’s Sweet Poison uses sugar cubes to illustrate the sugar content of processed foods. The sweetest poison, at 12 cubes: a 650-millilitre Dare iced coffee. Lynette has lost 13 kilograms since November last year and Sharon, a former “sugarholic,” is now free of headaches. Inspiration came from David Gillespie’s book of the same name.—Brenton Stacey, public relations officer, Avondale College of Higher Education Credit: Lagani Gairo.


2 Responses to “Sweet poison”

  1. Lynette Frazer says:

    Thank you for your comment, Sherree. The response to our Sweet Poison display has been positive and we are encouraged by the number of people attempting to eliminate sugar from their diet. We encourage you to join our Facebook, where we share recipes and information.

  2. Sherree Morgan says:

    Bravo, Avondale. For an entity of a church—the Seventh-day Adventist Church—that says it has the health message, you have just found the missing link. I have been sugar aware for nine months and have lost 20 kilograms—my husband has lost 16 kilograms. We have clearer minds to study and much more energy to go forth.