Work Less and Get More Done

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Now that sounds like a great idea doesn’t it! Numerous studies have proven that regularly working in excess of 55 hours per week is counterproductive and results in less, not more, getting achieved. Not to mention the effect on quality.

Work LessTravis Bradbury, writing in the May 19, 2015 edition of Inc. Online pulls together ten tips for your weekend that can result in higher quality and quantity of work during the week. The full article can be found here. The tips are:

  1. Disconnect
  2. Minimize chores
  3. Reflect
  4. Exercise
  5. Pursue a passion
  6. Spend quality time with family
  7. – 10 You will need to read the article!

Many of you are probably already doing these things, and are not working the crazy hours of others. Well done. But if you are one of those who are regularly putting in too many hours, what do you need to do to change? Not only will you be better off, but the organisation will benefit as well.

If you would further information on how Avondale Business School can help your organisation, contact Warrick Long

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P: 02 4980 2168