Want to be More Productive at Work?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

ProductivityIn a recent Business News Daily blog, Nicole Fallon, Business News Daily proposes 10 things that can improve your productivity right away. And as leaders, don’t just keep these to yourself, but see if there are ways you can introduce some of these into your employees workspaces and work lives to give them as boost as well. In no particular order, the ten tips are:

  1. Streamline your space.
  2. Add pops of colour or live plants.
  3. Decorate your workspace.
  4. Get your most dreaded task out of the way.
  5. Ignore your emails (at least for a little while).
  6. Move around. Don’t limit yourself to your primary desk chair.
  7. Prioritize tasks that take less time.
  8. Take short breaks.
  9. Listen to music.
  10. Switch locations.

The article (found here) expands on each of these and might just surprise you with some of the suggestions. For example – in number 9, maybe your recent graduate wearing headphones at their desk is not all bad? So what have you got to lose by introducing some of these?

The Avondale Business School can advise your organisation on being effective in these areas – find out how by contacting Warrick Long at the Avondale Business School.

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