I am an artist

God calls artists; is He calling you?

Brenton Stacey
Public relations officer
Avondale College of Higher Education

I am an artist. This is how Joanna Darby refers to herself despite once thinking of a career in the arts as “selfish.” Jo received the Gabe Reynaud Award at the Manifest Creative Arts Festival last year. “As I study the nature of beauty and the purpose of beauty, I feel impelled. God affirms my calling by placing incredible opportunities in front of me. How can I ignore this?”

God calls artists.

The call comes with a caveat. Jo again: the arts teach us “any of our creation is only thinking God’s thoughts after Him. . . . Our creativity is on loan.”

Remember the parable of the talents? If your creativity is on loan from God, repay that loan with interest.

Ben Milis received the Psalter Music Award at Manifest. He describes his talents as “a precious gift from God.” Ben’s been reading Matthew 25. “I take it as my honour and duty to use these talents to bring glory to [God].” Jodie Barnes co-wrote the winning song. “If I don’t use my talents for Him, I’m hiding the light He’s given me.”

God wants our best.

What if you think your work’s not good enough?

Glendon Harris wanted to share his faith but felt uncomfortable speaking about it, so he turned to filmmaking. He received the Hope Award at Manifest for a documentary about Sarah Chambers, a young adult who suffers adult onset acne. Glendon loves sharing stories “that touch me because there’s a chance at least one other person might be touched, too.” His advice? “Have confidence God will use your talents for His glory.”

God helps us achieve our best.

Creating something that helps someone realise God loves them is “the Holy Grail of creative challenges.” These are Scott Wegener’s words. He won the Signs Award for best original written piece at Manifest. Scott’s a proud member of Team Love who wants “to bring glory to [God] wherever I can.”

God helps us achieve our best to inspire others.

Is the arts your first love? It’s one of God’s—the Bible begins with the words, “In the beginning God created . . . .” Is God calling you to do the same?



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