Passionate performer

Violinist begins Avondale Concert Series at Evensong

Nicole Batten

Violinist Jaime Jorge is known around the world for his passionate performances. A committed Christian, Jaime has dedicated his life to sharing God’s love through music.

Jaime Jorge.

Jaime began playing violin in his homeland of Cuba when he was five years old. At 10, he and his family emigrated to the United States, where Jaime began studying under violinist Cyrus Forough. Over the years, Jaime has performed in a variety of settings, from high school auditoriums, to churches, to Carnegie Hall. He averages more than 75 concerts a year, performing for more than half a million people.

Was growing up as a pastor’s kid in communist Cuba difficult?

Almost all Christian young adults experience some kind of harassment and alienation. Some kids wouldn’t allow us to join in playing games because of our religious convictions. We never knew when they would include us, leave us alone or tease us.

Who had the greatest affect on your spirituality?

My father. He has always had a deep commitment to the Lord and for sharing the gospel. I’ve always seen him live what he believed and preached.

Despite your obvious talent and interest in music, you originally took up medicine. Was it hard to give up your dream of becoming a doctor?

I never wanted to be a musician, but sometime after my first year at the University of Illinois School of Medicine, I felt the Lord trying to get my attention. I asked Him to give me a sign and then a second one. It was not hard to give up my dream of being a doctor because I really wanted to do the Lord’s will. So when I knew for certain, I was at total peace with it. I’ve never looked back.—Dialogue

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