Survey results rank us among best providers in the country
Our students say they love what Avondale offers.
Two annual independent reports about graduate outcomes and the student experience show levels of satisfaction and rates of employment that rank us among the best higher education providers in the country.
Here’s a breakdown of the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching survey results:
- We’re in the top 10 out of about 100 providers for overall satisfaction in undergraduate and postgraduate courses and for good teaching and generic skills in postgraduate courses.
- Our undergraduate nursing degree ranks number one on every indicator of satisfaction.
- Our undergraduate education and teaching degrees rank number one for overall satisfaction and good teaching.
- Our undergraduate ministry and theology courses rank number one for overall employment.
Nursing ranked as the best in Australia across all of the indicators (overall quality, teaching quality, learner engagement, learning resources, student support and skills development). The results of the survey about graduate outcomes are just as impressive, with the course ranking as number one for overall satisfaction, good teaching and generic skills. The rankings compare us to the more than 30 other universities and higher education providers offering a similar course.
Education and teaching
Responses to the survey about graduate outcomes ranked our undergraduate education and teaching degrees as number one for overall satisfaction and good teaching. The comparison here is with the 36 other universities and higher education providers offering similar courses.
Ministry and theology
Our ministry and theology students get jobs, with undergraduate courses in this field ranked number one for overall employment. This means a higher proportion of our graduates found a job in the four months after they completed their course compared to graduates from the 45 other universities and higher education providers offering courses in humanities, culture and social sciences.
In fact, across the board, our full-time and overall employment rates for those completing their first and second degrees are higher than the national average.
“We’re proud of these results,” says our acting Quality Assurance Manager Dr Gwen Wilkinson. “They’re robust and provide a means for benchmarking with other providers and identifying strengths as well as any weaknesses. But they show something much more important—that we’re engaging our students in authentic learning and discovery. That’s good for everyone.”
Study with us
Our course specific guides provide important information about career options, course structure and length, study options, entry requirements and more. There’s a guide for every undergraduate and postgraduate course we offer.