Seven questions for a student president
Grace O’Toole has a new role this year: representing her Sydney campus classmates as president of the Avondale Nursing Students’ Association. As the academic year begins—Level 1 students attended their first classes this week—we asked this service leader seven questions.
Why did you choose to study at Avondale?
I always knew I wanted a career in nursing and at high school my vice-principal encouraged me to consider Avondale. I’ve heard people say all nursing degrees are the same, but the opportunity to study at a university that upholds the same Christian values I have really sold it to me. I knew becoming an Avondale nurse would provide me with that extra element I was looking for as a care provider for others.
What makes you smile (and why)?
So many things give me a boost of joy, but these are some in particular: spending weekends in my self-built camper car with mates; cruising behind the boat on a surfboard; playing guitar with Dad, and; Mum’s homemade chicken pie.
Who is your hero?
Mum. She’s my best friend and confidant, my loudest cheerleader and my most honest critic. I love her salt-of-the-earth personality and value the ways she has encouraged me in my walk of faith and relationship with God.
Summarise in one sentence the most important thing you’ve learnt in life.
Abundance is a mindset.
What advice would you give to a new student at Avondale?
You get out what you put in. Join activities on and off campus to enrich your Avondale experience, attend all lectures if you can (nothing better than post-lecture banter with teachers, too), and start your assessment tasks early.
Why did you run for student president?
When I started at Avondale I was impressed by the amount of encouragement for student leadership. I ran for president because I wanted to work alongside amazing lecturers and mentors to help represent and serve the student body, work within a team environment to organise activities and events for students, and learn more interpersonal skills.
How will you measure success as student president?
The role of a student president is not an individual task, so my success will be determined by the achievements of our team. I’m going to do my best leading a cohesive and efficient team whose efforts bring positive results for our students and our campus.
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