Michelle Ward

All-ages educator

Friday, August 23, 2024
Brenton Stacey
About the Author

Brenton Stacey

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Brenton is Avondale University’s Public Relations and Philanthropy Officer. He brings to the role experience as a communicator in publishing, media relations, public relations, radio and television, mostly within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific and its entities.

Alumna of the Year makes learning accessible and enjoyable

Michelle Ward’s journey to Avondale began on the subcontinent. Her parents, Pr David and Goldie Down, were missionaries. He developed an interest in archaeology, taking the family to London via the Middle East by car and caravan. A prolific author, she wrote 23 books. “Having lived in India all my life, I just expected I’d attend Avondale,” says Michelle. Given a choice of four courses—nursing, secretarial, teaching or theology—“I chose teaching.”

Homeschooled for almost all her primary and secondary education—Michelle sat her HSC examinations at the embassy in Delhi—“I was blissfully unaware of how much I didn’t know!” She would fly back alone but made friends with classmates and lecturers who “eased a shy girl with few social skills into life in Australia.”

It worked. After graduating, Michelle (Dip.Prim.Ed, 1974) accepted a call as principal at the Seventh-day Adventist primary school in Tamworth. She also taught at the church’s school in Wahroonga. Family responsibilities followed—including raising boys Robert, Stephen and Elton—as did a slight career change. With further study, Michelle earned a Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies and a Master of Applied Science (Teacher Librarianship).

Michelle came to Avondale with experience as a librarian at two TAFEs and a teacher librarian—for more than 10 years—at Macquarie College. Her legacy as our director of library services: connecting with the community. She applied for and received government grants to offer technology and ebook writing classes that increased the confidence and skills of senior citizens. She introduced a Human Library, where patrons borrow people, not books, and hear their story. And she created a supporter group called Friends of the Library.

Inheriting the ability to communicate, Michelle produced children’s magazine Wacky But True, self-published several ebooks and writes scripts for The Incredible Journey and stories for Guide magazine. Her local community benefits, too. Michelle teaches scripture in two schools and coordinates an iPad course and a seniors activity group at Toronto Adventist Church.

Avondale Alumni honours Michelle Ward as its Alumna of the Year for making learning accessible and enjoyable, for all ages.

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