Daniel Alderson

From court to classroom

Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Bailee McLeod
About the Author

Bailee McLeod

Bailee McLeod is a Bachelor of Arts student majoring in English and visual arts at Avondale Univeristy.

Meet Daniel Alderson

Daniel Alderson studied for six years and worked for three to become a solicitor practicing in family law. He left because it took a toll on his mental health. Now he is completing a master’s degree that will move him from the court to the classroom. “My professional teaching experiences have, thankfully, validated this difficult decision,” he says. We asked Daniel five questions.

What about your study motivates you?
Helping others fulfil their potential to make a difference.

Encourage us with a piece of advice.
Don’t bank on maybes—that maybe things will get better. Do what makes you happy now.

What’s one thing we wouldn’t know about you?
The first time I traveled alone, I travelled as a passenger inside a plane that caught on fire in Singapore. Fortunately, the incident did not result in any casualties and I could continue my trip. I’ve traveled most recently to Japan.

How do you spend your discretionary time?
With my family and my pets (one dog—a golden retriever—and three cats). I’m also trying to get through my library of books.

What are you reading?
A book by a Japanese author that begins with an unemployed lawyer’s assistant being tasked by his wife to find their missing cat.
