Matthew Siliga is a Washington, DC-based administrator of a global development and relief agency. He’s also one of our Master of Business Administration students. We asked him six questions. Here are the answers he gave.
HR gets the A-OK
Wednesday, November 10, 2021It’s significant (and good news for students like Destinee). An undergraduate business degree at Avondale is now endorsed by the professional body for human resources in Australia.
Destinee’s “life experience” degree
Wednesday, October 27, 2021Here’s the story behind the new face of the Bachelor of Business degree at Avondale.
Greens get thumbs up at this school
Friday, March 12, 2021Growing and selling vegetables at a market garden is a positive way to help children learn about financial literacy, research by academics at Avondale shows.
New MBA at Avondale
Friday, December 4, 2020Offering the world’s premier business degree at Avondale from next year will give students skills for careers in leadership and management informed by Christian values.
Educators given a voice
Friday, October 30, 2020A lived experience study by academics at Avondale recommending how accounting educators can find value and enjoyment in their changing role has won a best paper award.