Bringing faith to justice enhances the latter and brings relevancy to the former but requires repentance, humility and a willingness to engage with the community.
A larger kind of hope
Friday, March 16, 2018Engage: Faith That Matters is Signs Publishing Book Editor Nathan Brown’s 13th book (well, seventh if we count only the edited books). It is also another book about social justice. Why does Brown return to this theme and what has writing this book taught him about it?
Living out love
Tuesday, March 6, 2018As a Christian—in my most honest moments of reflection—I wish for transformational faith and persistent courage to change the world. In the context of this yearning, Nathan Brown’s Engage: Faith that Matters—a collection of essays about the responsibility and the privilege evoked by our divine commission to engage with our world—enriched, challenged and inspired me.
Engage: faith that matters
Thursday, March 1, 2018Signs Publishing Book Editor Nathan Brown introduces his new collection of essays, which sends us back to our communities to care, serve and sacrifice as Jesus did.
Learning from Martin Luther
Thursday, February 8, 2018Big round numbers seem to inordinately fascinate us, meaning we sometimes accord anniversaries more significance than they would otherwise merit. As such, the importance of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s “95 Theses” nailed to the door of the Wittenberg Church came more from the opportunity for re-examination and reflection than from the big number itself. A stand-out example of this opportunity taken: Here We Stand’s focus on the Reformation’s continuing significance for Seventh-day Adventists.
Nathan Talks
Monday, February 5, 2018A conversation with author and book editor Nathan Brown about bringing faith to justice.