Sitting beside a hospital bed. Waiting. The morning busyness had subsided into a slower afternoon. Dad marked his 75th birthday with this unplanned but urgent visit to hospital. The place challenges me. We can care for the sick, even campaign for better health care and teach more healthful living, but as good and necessary as these things are, they seemingly end here or somewhere like it.
In the “village of widows”
Thursday, October 12, 2017I heard what she said only after returning a couple of weeks later to the relative cool and quiet of my office. And when I did, I felt a chill, not only about what she said but also about how I missed what she said.
Like a tomato seed
Friday, August 18, 2017It takes faith, hope and imagination to believe it, but Jesus said something like “the kingdom of heaven is like a tomato seed.”
Getting political?
Friday, July 28, 2017Does our silence as Seventh-day Adventists on issues of injustice and suffering make us complicit? Is it time to drop “political” as an excuse for not heeding the Bible’s call to work on behalf of and in partnership with those who are on the margins of our society?
More than a puzzle
Friday, June 23, 2017A project as part of Nathan Brown’s continuing higher education prompted the Signs Publishing Book Editor to consider how providing a “right” answer about fundamental beliefs should not be considered an achievement in itself. “Rather that becomes a tool for living and loving better,” he writes.
Reclaiming “radical”
Friday, June 9, 2017Nathan Brown bought a T-shirt from a small Fair Trade-certified clothing and sports ball company. What did the experience teach him about being a better disciple of Jesus?