Yarn bombing

The experience . . . with creative artists on campus

Cold metal covers build community: Bachelor of Arts (Visual Communication) student Jasmine Flamenco has been researching and experimenting with art in the unit, Studio and Research, this past semester. Yarn bombing is not a typical form of art, but walk through the Brandstater Amphitheatre to the Chan Shun Auditorium and you will see and touch Jasmine’s novel knitted creations. “Touch me,” they read, “I am a metaphor for community.” “I put my yarn bombing on the handrails to contrast the cold metal with something warm and cozy,” says Jasmine. She describes knitting as being similar to community. “It is one continuous strand; if something is cut, it all unravels.” This project has challenged Jasmine to put more of her art in public places. Now she wants to encourage others to do the same.—Sonja Larsen, public relations assistant, Avondale College of Higher Education. Credit: Peck Flamenco.

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2 Responses to “Yarn bombing”

  1. Leigh says:

    Yarn bombing is happening all over the world—such a cool way to cozy things up. Check out these recent bombs:

  2. Shanelle says:

    Great work, Jas! Looks really good.