Strength through community

“Strength through community:” you felt it during 7.28 and the worship service, both led by men’s residence Watson Hall this past weekend (October 14-15). The highlight: the baptism of head residence assistant Joel Heise (pictured) and of Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Teaching student Sam Rashleigh. “You could feel the power of the Holy Spirit,” says Dr Wayne French (also pictured), chaplain on Avondale College of Higher Education’s Lake Macquarie campus. Women’s residence led 7.28 and the worship service the weekend before mid-semester recess (September 23-24). Speakers Kate Beaden, Courtney Helmer, Kylie Rowe and Annie Ruthven captivated the congregations with their testimonies. Their theme, and that which has permeated Andre and Ella Boyd Halls this year: “Never been unloved.”—Sonja Larsen Credit: Ann Stafford.


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