God-Moments: Unpacking God

Jamin Binning
Do you ever put God in a box? As Christians, there are times we try to figure out what God is like and we come to a conclusion that we know what He is capable of doing in our life.

Religion has put God into a four-walled box, which we attend weekly and know as church. The church should help facilitate an extra understanding of Christ and His teachings but it should not be creating boxes to put your faith in. Unfortunately at times we have fallen into being box-making Christians.

Each day, we have our doubts, struggles and questions and we sometimes try to work them out. I know in the past few days I have struggled to understand an angle of prayer that the bible portrays but I came to realise that it is not there to be figured out. By putting God in a box and trying to create a perfect Christian understanding we are not fulfilling ourselves in the truth.
Rob Bell says from his book Velvet Elvis, “The moment God is figured out with nice neat lines and definitions, we are no longer dealing with God.” When we put God in boxes we are creating a false God. I feel selfish when I dwell so much on the unknown, when I try to create a box.

God is everything. He is the Creator, He is the Redeemer, He is the giver of life. He is everlasting. We could read the whole bible and every piece of Christian literature ever written and we would still not be able to fully understand the essence of who our God is. There simply would not be enough boxes to try to fit all our doubts, struggles and questions in.

I rejoice in the fact that God is love. His love and grace washes away all the boxes we have tried to put Him in. He is almighty and He is undefined!
Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

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