The Real Issue: Q&A with Dr Ray

Trent McCrow
As we promised last issue I went straight to the top to get answers to the questions you have been asking. Below are the questions we asked.

Hi Dr Ray. How are things going with Avondale’s journey towards university status and where are we at the moment? Apart from research output is there anything else we can do?

Avondale College Council has voted for a staged progression towards university status. The end of this year should see us put in an application for self-accredited status. And then next year we are hopeful of achieving university college status. What can you do? We are raising our research profile among both staff and students. This year, a large number of student will be published in a book of poetry and others will contribute to the “Critical Issues in the 21st Century” Undergraduate Conference. That’s great! Encourage your friends and family member to enrol as students — we need to continue to increase our student numbers. And, pray for Avondale!

I really like the changes that have happened with open dorms or the new visitation program, but does this mean we are going to be able to have visitation during week days as well?

I talked with some of the residence directors on this one. Avondale is committed to a balance between openness and privacy in the residences. It is apparent that at least some of the residents don’t want the dorms open all the time, but that they should be maintained as private residents. Others, of course want the visitation times extended from weekends to weekdays as well. So, keeping a balance is the key, although your residence directors are open to discussion on this issue.

I remember a story in connections about the girls dorm having recycling bins. I live in Watson Hall and we don’t have any. Why? When will we get them?

Apparently the Watson Hall bins have arrived and are being labelled. So, soon the Watson guys will be able to do their bit for the environment too.

In a previous edition of The Voice we were told that the Brandstater Amphitheater was supposed to be finished by homecoming this year but it is clear it still isn’t finished. What’s the delay and will it be finished before Grad this year? I was hoping to have photos with my family in that area.

We were probably a bit optimistic with the timetable of the Brandstater Amphitheatre completion. However, it will be completed for Graduation this year. The official opening will take place on the Sabbath afternoon of Grad weekend. The main thing still to be completed is the granite capping which is on its way from China. So, here’s hoping that it will not be “a slow boat from China” and that your family photos turn out well.

I’ve heard on the grapevine that the cafeteria is going to introduce an extra surcharge on gluten-free menu options. Is this true and why is it happening? It doesn’t seem equitable.

This is not so. Presently there are about twenty students who require a gluten-free or dairy-free menu. While this costs the College about twice as much, Avondale is providing this service without extra cost.

I’ve been told that if I’m not graduating I can’t stay in the dorms all the way up to graduation and that I have to leave after my exams. Is this true? How is this fair as I’m paying the same amount as those who are graduating?
This is somewhat true. Basically the dorm fees cover for the period of the semester through to the end of exam week. However, graduating students are able to benefit from a little extra time in the residences. When you graduate, you will receive that benefit as a courtesy from Avondale. However, should you wish to remain in the dorms you can do so with a nominal payment for board. See your residence director about this. We do need to clear as many rooms as possible in preparation for year-end conference events, etc.

I remember when full time reception was dropped there was a promise to get phones in each of the dorm rooms as a compromise for not having reception at the dorms open all day. Is this still going to happen? Why has it taken so long and if it isn’t happening what is being done about outside communication on campus?
I understand that night reception is still in place through to midnight in all dorms. Keep in mind that emergency calls can be directed through to a special phone number 24/7. Avondale is also looking at the possibilities for using VOIP now that we have a better broadband system in place. At the same time, though, I do notice that most students and staff now carry a mobile with them at all times.

What is happening with the married student’s units? They used to be run by the real estate agent but I was told that Avondale is now looking after them. I’ve also heard a rumor that the North Cooranbong development will be the new location for a married students village. Is this true? When will they be available?

You’re correct. Avondale has taken back the management of the married student units. Our financial management team thinks that we can provide a better service that we were receiving from the real estate agent. And, it is planned that some housing will be provided in the North Cooranbong development that will be rental subsidised. However, this will not be in a “village” setting, but will be dependent on private investors making their choice in regard to building blocks, etc. I don’t have a timeframe for this at the moment. All development projects have been slowed by the GFC and ours in no different. Hopefully, next year will see some major progress on the North Cooranbong site.

So those are the questions readers of The Voice have to ask you. Thank you for taking time to answer these and I know the answers will be well received.
Thanks for the opportunity to answer these questions. And thanks for your efforts in making a great place even greater!

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