Biggest Issues Facing Australia Today

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The National Australia Bank recently undertook a survey to find out what it is that Australians find and the issues of most concern to them. Not surprisingly, overall it is the cost of living, then access to healthcare; employment and jobs; the economy; and terrorism/security. Whereas we are least worried about indigenous issues, infrastructure and transport and taxation.NAB

The full report can be found here, and it is worth exploring as there are significant differences between the various states of Australia (for example, in WA it is the threat of terrorism/security that is of most concern to them) and demographics (over 50’s worry about access to healthcare).

However, just reading the report is one thing. Thinking about how it impacts your business is more important. For example, if you are reliant on donations for income, how will the worry over cost of living impact on people’s willingness to donate? Or what about aged care, can your potential client’s access appropriate health care? And overall, how do people worried about terrorism react in an increasingly multi-cultural Australia?

You should be seriously considering how your business is set up to alleviate these fears for people, as customer/clients will be attracted to those entities that can.

The Avondale Business School can advise your organisation on being effective in these areas – find out how by contacting Warrick Long at the Avondale Business School.

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P: 02 4980 2168