Posts Tagged ‘Avondale Business’

Meet the high achievers

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Each November Avondale honours high achieving students at a ceremony on the Lake Macquarie campus. At the end of 2010 Reflections interviewed a number of these students and found them to be of exceptional calibre. In addition to academic and/or professional achievement, most had engaged in service for others and most had embraced student leadership opportunities. They appreciated Avondale’s Christian values, the quality of education they had received, and the lifelong friendships they developed. All were on a path to promising careers.

Chris Starrett (L) and Hannah (Rowe) Barrett (R) received prizes for overall excellence, presented by Dale Williams of Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing (C). Photo credit: Ann Stafford

Secondary teaching graduate Chris Starrett had given outstanding leadership as head residence assistant (2010). He was strongly involved in community service, including StormCo trips to Mozambique in Africa and to remote NSW towns; leadership in Avondale’s Regen[eration] church program; leadership in a mountain biking and adventure club for community youth; and leadership in a program to help needy people in the local area. ‘Some of my best memories of Avondale,’ he said, ‘are of student leadership in spiritual activities, particularly Bible study and prayer groups in the men’s residence.’ He received prizes for overall excellence and community service.

Ashlie Biega, who received the prize for secondary education, joined a service team from her local church to assist at a medical base in Sulawesi, Indonesia, where there was a children’s home, a nurse training centre and a leprosy unit. She also participated in Avondale’s StormCo programs.

Justin Fraser (3rd from R) with ‘Tools’ community service volunteers.

Justin Fraser, who received the prize for excellence in primary teaching, thought the best things about Avondale were friendships and opportunities for service. In 2006 he participated in a 5-week service program in Cambodia that he described as ‘a life-changing experience.’ In 2009-2010 he took a break from study to teach for a term at the Karalundi Aboriginal Education Centre in Western Australia and then for six months at the Wat Preah Yesu orphanage in Cambodia. He has also taken leadership roles in the Young Adults Network Sabbath School, StormCo trips, and the ‘Tools’ program for needy people in the community.

Michelle Hawke, who received the prize for early childhood education, appreciated Avondale’s small classes and the high level of hands-on professional experience in her course. Her desire to become a teacher was cemented in 2002 by a trip she undertook with her parents to assist in a school in Bali. She was also a leader in the ‘Tools’ community service program (2008-2010).

Hannah (Rowe) Barrett, who received the Bachelor of Business prize and a prize for overall excellence, served in a responsible position in Avondale’s Enquiry and Enrolment Centre. ‘I loved marketing Avondale by developing a personal relationship with prospective students,’ she said.

Theology graduate Raymond Moaga has a gift for working with youth. He has a TAFE Diploma in Youth Work, and before coming to Avondale worked with kids in state care. He was strongly involved in youth ministry at the Gateway Church, Cooranbong; hosted the high school tent at the North New South Wales campmeeting in 2007; and was chosen as the speaker for a primary school week of prayer in Adelaide in 2010. He was awarded the Graham Miller Prize for Youth Ministry.

Theology graduate Paul Kleinmeulan came to Avondale with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree, having developed his own internet marketing business. ‘The theology course affirmed my faith and call to ministry,’ he said. He was attracted to evangelism during his ministry practicums and gained a vision for planting a new church. He received the Bill Marr Institute of Public Evangelism Prize.

Shelley Poole received the Bachelor of Arts prize, graduating in Visual Communication. She was Jacaranda editor in 2010, and in 2011 has remained at Avondale studying for the Master of Arts (Research) degree.

Amanda Kemp, who received the Bachelor of Science prize, loved the spiritual atmosphere at Avondale, friendship with other Christians, small classes and friendly, helpful lecturers. She is now studying for a master’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Wollongong.