Face-Space: The Helpful Havaiana

Kirsten Bolinger

If Benjamin Moyes were footwear he would be a pair of Havaiana sandals. We all know them and we all love them. They are not your average slipper but they are comfortable, useful, and cute.

This describes Ben in a nutshell.

I met Ben in my first year at Avondale and I have nothing but good memories of him. If you have been to Coles in Morisset during your time at Avondale you have probably met Ben. He’s the dark haired cutie with the big grin and year round tan that works at the check out.

The first thing you notice about Ben when you meet him is his vivacious and charming personality. He is all grins and compliments. In fact I think every time I see Ben I hear him compliment someone about something.

Ben started out with a teaching degree but had a change of mind after having had work experience at Channel 7 Sunrise. This is where his passion for TV blossomed and he began studying for his Bachelor of Arts in Communication.

“Ultimately I would love to be a talk show host. I know it sounds cheesy but they get to have a fun TV career that can actually have deeper meaning and help people,” he says.

Ben believes that we are all given our talents for a reason and he feels God nudging him this way or that in his career.

“I don’t know where I’ll be in five years and honestly I don’t really care, as long as I am happy and the people I love in my life love me back,” he says.

Among other mission projects, Ben’s particular passion is an outreach program he started in his local Salvation Army Church. The group visits nursing homes and they have done three mission trips.

I have known Ben my entire time at Avondale and just like my favourite pair of Havaianas, his friendship has never worn out.

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