ABS Researcher Plans Succession

Friday, June 28, 2019

In the last month, Avondale Business School lecturer Dr Peter Williams, as part of a research project exploring employee views of school leadership and leadership development, has visited 7 North New South Wales (NNSW) Conference Adventist Schools, . The research project is a Conference specific study exploring school leadership perceptions, aspirations, and leadership development. Peter hopes to complete the data analysis for this research over the next three months and provide the NNSW Adventist Schools company with details of the findings and recommendations for policy development and implementation. Travelling almost 2000kms and covering a geographic area from Erina on the Central Coast to Murwillumbah on the Far North Coast, Peter has completed interviews in each school with NNSW Adventist School employees capturing the views of early and experienced career teachers and administrators, from both primary and secondary levels.