Former Lecturer Honored for Service

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Honoured at the Avondale College Homecoming program this year was a former lecturer with the Faculty of Business & IT (as ABS was formerly known). Graduating in 1979 as a business studies high school teacher, Ron Day returned to Avondale College as a lecturer for a number of years before moving progressing his academic career at other universities. You can read more of Ron’s journey and citation in the 2019 Homecoming site (read more here).

Ron was greatly appreciated by all his students, and was known for going well beyond the extra mile to help willing students achieve. A number of former students now hold significant leadership roles in many organisations, including our own ABS member, Dr Warrick Long, who Ron taught high school accounting, economics and English to. Dr Long “blames” Ron for “making accounting so interesting I dedicated my life to it” and credits him with “instilling a love of learning and as a role model for my own teaching”.

Avondale Business School congratulates Ron Day on being honoured in 2019.