Book Review: Principles For Christian Leaders

Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Timeless advice from pioneering and prolific author

She’s quotable. “Let everyone who sits in council and committee meetings write in his heart the words: I am working for time and for eternity, and I am accountable to God for the motives that prompt me to action” (p. 187). Such is an example from the compilation of writings on leadership by Ellen White, found in the book Principles for Christian Leaders (Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2018).

As a pioneer and leading voice of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, White expressed to its leaders and members clear guidance on the principles of leadership and management in a Christian context. Essentially, this involves devoting all to God and following His will, remembering the church belongs to Him and all its people are redeemed by His sacrifice. Leaders should treat people and lead accordingly. Being a prophetic voice in the birth and early development of the church, White spoke plainly and clearly about church issues, including those related to leaders and managers.

This book is a compilation of the principles of Christian leadership peppered throughout White’s writings. Each extract is clearly referenced and dated so you can contextualise the principles. However, the essence of the principles are timeless and just as applicable to leadership today. Here’s an example: “Whatever position we are called to fill, our only safety is in walking humbly with God” (p. 73).

The book is organised thematically and logically, making it easy to follow. You could read it cover to cover or use it as a reference. As with any compilation, you need to be aware of the context of the writing and ensure you use the principles as principles not dictates.

Any Christian leader would appreciate this book and learn a lot from the principles contained within. It’s a worthwhile addition to your library and comes with my high recommendation.
