My office, my way!

Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Warrick Long

Warrick Long

LinkedIn Profile

Dr Warrick Long is an experienced chief financial officer, company secretary and company director, having worked for more than 25 years in the not-for-profit sector. In 2013, he joined Avondale Business School where he is a Senior Lecturer, MBA Course Convenor and a leadership and governance specialist.

Cultivating place identity crucial for employee engagement

An article from the Berkeley Haas School of Business suggests building employee engagement is more about how employees relate to their workplace rather than the physical design of the office. The study on which the article is based focuses on “place identity,” which refers to the connection you have to a physical space. The researchers found when a workplace gives employees a sense of self-esteem and distinctiveness, it enhances engagement, collaboration and commitment.

The researchers observed a software company transitioning from traditional offices to open-plan innovation centres with movable furniture and collaborative spaces. They discovered the reactions of employees were not aligned with their work functions, professional backgrounds or demographics. What mattered more? How employees felt the new workplace connected to them personally, positively differentiated them and reflected a sense of belonging.

The findings suggest cultivating place identity is crucial for employee engagement, regardless of whether the workplace is physical, hybrid or virtual.

The Berkeley article provides three best practices for leaders to foster place identity:

  1. Broadcast the vision of the workplace. Communicate the purpose of the workplace, specifying the type of work to be done there.
  2. Model enthusiasm for how to use the workplace. Leaders should convey a positive attitude about the workplace and use it as intended, especially in hybrid settings.
  3. Empower employees. Involve employees in setting goals for the workplace, encourage customisation and empower those working remotely to create a sense of identity.

Photograph: Arlington Research on Unsplash.

We can help train you

Avondale Business School offers bespoke training programs. Contact our Master of Business Administration course convenor and governance specialist Dr Warrick Long to discuss your organisation's training needs.

