Avondale again scores 5-star ratings

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Good Universities Guide 2011 has given Avondale top 5-star ratings for five key quality indicators: teaching quality; staff qualifications; student:staff ratio; generic skills; and overall student satisfaction. In addition, Avondale received 4-star ratings for access by equity groups and indigenous participation. The ratings compare universities and leading private higher education providers Australia-wide. The “educational experience” ratings of teaching quality, generic skills and student satisfaction are derived from data collected from recent graduates. Avondale has a long record of 5-star ratings in these categories.



Brenton Stacey

Brenton Stacey

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Brenton is Avondale University’s Public Relations and Philanthropy Officer. He brings to the role experience as a communicator in publishing, media relations, public relations, radio and television, mostly within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific and its entities.