Solid, significant discussion of origins

Thursday, August 23, 2012

In The Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation

Dr Lynden Rogers
Senior lecturer in physics
School of Science and Mathematics
Avondale College of Higher Education

In The Beginning (Pacific Press, 2012) is a work of significance and brings together a wealth of useful information—how could it be otherwise when so many of its authors are not only widely published and respected scholars but my friends! The book consists of 17 chapters: 11 on theological themes; six on scientific themes; and one critiquing social Darwinism. Editor Dr Bryan Ball should be congratulated for bringing together so many viewpoints.

Although “aimed at the average reader,” In The Beginning is pretty solid nourishment, as acknowledged by the editor himself. Some chapters, such as Dr Richard Davidson’s technical essay on different readings of Genesis 1 and 2, require close attention. Those seeking excellent material on the authority of Scripture and on the origin and reliability of Genesis—its theological themes, its significance for the canon and its utilisation by not only Christ but the New Testament writers—will not be disappointed. Some of the material, such as Associate Professor Robert McIver’s essay reinforcing the credibility of the ancient text, represents research that has not, to my knowledge, appeared in previous Seventh-day Adventist publications. And the discussions about design and the limits of neo-Darwinian evolutionary mechanisms are offered at greater depth than in most previous Adventist monographs.

In The Beginning is double barreled in that it targets two audiences: those “that a priori exclude the existence of the supernatural;” and those for whom “theistic evolution has replaced the biblical view of creation.” The book certainly presents cogent arguments supporting a Creator God and biblical authority, which target the first group with bullet-like precision. However, the targeting of the second group is less precise, more like that of a shotgun than a rifle.

Few theistic evolutionists would disagree with most of the valuable evidence presented. The same is true for other theists who, while not persuaded of a full evolutionary scenario, still find evidence for old life on earth convincing. All affirm the biblical text has primacy in matters related to faith, all recognise it as God inspired, all acknowledge the importance of Genesis in establishing biblical themes and all concede the significant use made of Genesis by the New Testament. Also, while there are different views on how best to articulate the design argument, all acknowledge evidence for God as cosmic designer. Further, most if not all theistic evolutionists, as well as a few of their atheistic colleagues, admit some limits to the naturalistic mechanisms proposed by Darwin.

There are two shortcomings that might be raised against In The Beginning. The first concerns biblical scholars who do not adhere to a literal reading of Genesis; the second, minor inaccuracies.

While not questioning Scripture’s primacy and authority, some scholars substantially share Galileo’s view in the context of the last great schism among Christians over a matter of science that “the Bible is there to tell us how to go to heaven not how the heavens go.” Some might feel a serious discussion about origins should at least acknowledge opposing arguments. Consequently, those seeking to understand these scholars more completely, or to oppose them more effectively, may be disappointed.

While, to be fair, In The Beginning does not claim primarily to present scientific data, some might also lament its failure to mention scientific evidence that appears to implicate life in some of the deep geological history acknowledged already by many Adventists to embrace billions of years. Despite claims urged in the book, all scholars do not see these data—including correlations between radiometric studies, ice cores, deep ocean and lake sediments and successive soil layers—as being addressed adequately in previous Adventist publications.

Whilst most essays are of a high standard, the book is marred in some places by a lack of precision. In the opening lines of the foreword, for example, the writer states that Adventists have rejected the contention the created order is millions of years old. This is only partly true since many Adventists, including some contributors to In The Beginning, accept conventional scientific ages for the abiotic universe. Such inexactitude is not in keeping with the overall scholarly standards of this important and timely work.

Overall, In The Beginning is an interesting and valuable contribution to the origins discussion.

In The Beginning is available from Adventist Book Centres.


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