Nicotine addiction: training for healthcare professionals

Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Help your clients and patients quit now

A training course offered by Avondale University for healthcare professionals coincides with new laws that will take the puff out of the market for vapes.

The three-day nicotine addiction and smoking and vaping cessation course will be presented live online by Conjoint Professor Renee Bittoun and other specialists.

Informed by Renee’s 40 years of experience—she started one of the world’s first Smokers’ Clinics at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney in 1979—primary and allied healthcare professionals will develop an informed empathy for people who smoke and vape and learn a range of evidence-based strategies to help clients or patients with tobacco control.

A feature of the course is its interactivity—questions are welcomed, expected even. This builds confidence, say previous participants. One, Jenny, is a nurse in Queensland who cares for smokers in acute and community health services. Having the ability to treat these patients is a value-add to my career, she says.

The course contributes to an Australasian Professional Society for Alcohol and Other Drugs credential to apply for Tobacco Treatment Specialist status.

Reforms to the regulation of vapes in Australia, including a ban on the importation of all vapes from March 1 this year, show the rise in vaping particularly among young adults has been a largely silent but alarming one. This is according to Dr Melanie Renfrew, convenor of postgraduate courses in lifestyle medicine at Avondale. She and her colleagues are “committed to working with an internationally recognised expert like Renee to equip you with the knowledge and skills to address nicotine addiction through smoking and vaping cessation.”

Nicotine Addiction, Smoking and Vaping

Complete this training course on Zoom over three consecutive Wednesdays starting February 28. Early bird rate available until January 31. Limited places.

Register now!
