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My Fair Lady

October 26, 2024 , 7.30 PM 10.30 PM

$30 – $70 Single | Double | Family

An Avondale Conservatorium production of the Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe classic musical that brings George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion to the stage.

Eliza Doolittle is transformed under the tutelage of Professor Henry Higgins, who bets he can turn the Cockney flower seller into a refined lady of high society. Set in Edwardian London, the musical examines the power dynamics of class, gender and language, highlighting the values of self-respect and personal growth and the importance of human dignity over superficial appearances. At its heart, My Fair Lady champions the idea that true worth is found not in social status but in character and self-determination.

582 Freemans Dr
Cooranbong, NSW 2265 Australia
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