The Annual Employee Performance Review is Dead!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Who is still doing annual performance reviews? Why? Evidence is now overwhelming that annual performance reviews don’t improve an employee’s performance, so why keep doing them? And in particular, millennial workers are demanding a better way of career development.

Lindsey Pollak in a great article (read it here) provides 5 strategies to replace the archaic annual review process. The article really is worth reading (it only takes about 4 minutes!) as it provides more detail than his brief summary. The strategies offered by Pollack are:

  1. Make sure you give explicit instructions – useful feedback starts with explicit instructions.
  2. Conduct one-on-one check-ins – which signify to employees they matter.
  3. Have conversations about an employee’s future – also known as ‘stay conversations’
  4. Use technology when it makes sense – there are a range of apps that provide on-demand real-time discussion opportunities
  5. Practice the MBWA technique – that is, ‘Management by Walking Around’.

Some of all of these may work for you and your organisation, but at least they should stimulate your thinking as to how to step away from the long dead annual performance review and discover more effective and relevant ways to help your employees reach their fullest potential, which is a big win/win for everyone.

Need some help developing a better performance review system, Avondale Business School (ABS) can help. Just contact Dr Warrick Long via [email protected] to discuss your needs.