Book Review: Discipled Leader

Thursday, August 19, 2021

“…when you spend forty to eighty hours a week at your job it is easy to lose perspective. You slide into the false belief that what you do defines who you are rather than allowing who you are to define what you do.” This realisation came to Preston Poore in the midst of him redefining is role as a Christian in a leadership position.

Poore, a seasoned leader in Fortune 500 companies draws on this experience as a Christian in business and shares in his book Discipled Leader (2021, Kregel Publications). Poore’s passion is for Christian leaders to integrate their faith into their work rather than keep the two aspects of their life separate. His approach is to highlight the “seldom discussed connection between personal discipleship and corporate leadership.”

The book is peppered with illustrative stories and practical advice in relation to the readers spiritual life and leadership. Each chapter contains a challenge for leaders that is spiritually focused, and tackles key leadership issues like integrity, making tough decisions, and resilience. But it also advocates for leaders to bring joy to their people, know when to walk away, and to actually seek to share God with others.

I found it an easy read, but extremely challenging in its content – it took me outside of my comfort zone and opened my eyes to the broader responsibility of being a Christian leader. It is suitable for anyone on the leadership journey, but if you are an experienced leader, be prepared to feel uncomfortable as it asks some difficult questions of your exiting practice. I would highly recommend this book.