Book Review: The First-Time Manager

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Leadership and management are largely not mutually exclusive. To do one usually involves elements of the other to varying degrees. I have too often seen people moved into what has been called a “leadership role”, when in reality it is primarily a management role with some small degree of leadership attached. Consequently, reality differs from expectations (and promises) and they find themselves ill-prepared for the ‘nuts and bolts’ of their new role.

The latest edition of The First-Time Manager (7th edition by Loren Belker, Jim McCormick and Gary Topchik, HarperCollins Leadership), which became available earlier in 2021 is the ideal resource for people who have been thrust into roles that involves managing other people, or indeed themselves. It is an update on a classic that was first published in 1981 and maintains its relevance and importance.

The book is divided into six parts, which looks at various elements of being a manager, including expectations, working with people, developing yourself, and coping with stress. The updates have kept pace with trends in management and also incorporate how social media is impacting on a managers work. While it does have a US-centric flavour in some of the HR discussion, this does not detract form the principles and ideas conveyed.

I highly recommend this book to people who are wanting to know the ‘nitty-gritty’ of management, whether as preparation for or to further enhance their work as a manager.