Naomi Streimer

Songstress and her secret agent

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Why Naomi Striemer walked away from fame

Critics hailed Naomi Striemer as “the next Celine Dion.” But she chose to walk away from fame and pursue a life with God. Now she travels the world singing and sharing her testimony. Naomi lives with her husband in Franklin, Tennessee, USA. She corresponds with Signs Publishing book editor Nathan Brown about her music and her book Backstage Pass.

How has your music changed?
Music has always been important but words have become much more meaningful. When I listen to music, I want to feel like I’m drawing closer to God. Music, with the right words, can do that.

Why write a book?
I was sharing my testimony in concerts and each time, as people would speak to me afterward, they would say “I wish you had a book” or “I wish I could share your story with my friend.” It got me thinking, I am a writer, maybe I should try to write my story. A friend—who happens to be a bestselling author—gave me some great tips and helped me structure the first chapter. After that, every time I sat down I would write another chapter.

What did you learn about yourself through the writing process?
God can use us in ways we cannot imagine. With every piece of writing I’ve ever had the privilege of creating, God has been the mastermind behind it, simply enabling me with the skills, at that moment, to do it.

And your message to your listeners and readers?
God has a perfect plan for your life. It is not just a select few that He is working miracles through. Each person is special to God and in their own unique way God can use them like no other—if they let Him. And that is sometimes the greatest struggle we face: relinquishing our power and control over our lives to Him.


Nathan Brown

Nathan Brown

Nathan is Book Editor at Signs Publishing. He is a former magazine editor, a published writer and an author or editor of more than a dozen books. He is also a co-convener of Manifest, a community exploring, encouraging and celebrating faithful creativity.