How to start a business while travelling the world – Tatyana Artemova

Friday, November 29, 2019

PHOTO: Buro Millennial from Pexels

I have always wanted to start a business to get financial freedom and travel the world. But is it actually possible to travel when you run daily tasks, work with clients and develop new strategies for your business growth? Once I started I understood that it is not necessarily easy,  but it is possible and can be fun. So I would like to share with you the key points you should take into account if you decided to combine travelling with running your own business.

Be prepared

Travelling means living in unpredictable conditions while getting not only new experiences but also challenges. If you decided to run a business you need to get prepared for it. Fortunately, all you need to start a company today is your laptop and an internet connection. Nevertheless, I would recommend you to do the following:

  • Make sure your laptop works well and doesn’t require any technical support.
  • Think about your internet connection before travelling. Create a list of the countries you are going to visit and buy an International roaming SIM card to cover these locations.
  • Install all the necessary programs beforehand.

 Set goals

Every new business starts with setting goals. Before travelling you need to take some time in order to set big goals for your business.

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • How can your business help people?
  • What is your mission?
  • How much time are you ready to spend on its growth?

Here is another secret – split big goals into smaller steps setting a deadline for each of them. This will help you to measure the results more effectively.

Build a system

You are going to move from one place to another, so to run a business effectively, you should build a system ahead. Planning will help you to be more productive and think strategically. In order to keep your goals and tasks organized use tasks planning services such as Asana or Trello. One more thing here I’d like to pay your attention to. Business is not a hobby. It should bring you money. Do you agree? If yes get prepared to work hard on a regular basis, not only when you have time. Try not only to plan your tasks ahead but follow them carefully on a daily basis.

 Stay focused

Building a business means to follow one big goal that you set from the very start of your journey. One of the biggest challenges is to stay concentrated and consistent even when you see no results and want to make money fast. But what I love about running a business while travelling is that you have a chance to implement new ideas on the go. You don’t have too much time for analysis and that helps you not to overthink.


Travelling brings new emotions and the main task for you is to enjoy the time. Building a business can be fun if you do what you love, and share your mission with people. By the way, travelling can help you to grow even faster and here is why. While travelling you meet lots of new people, so use each moment to tell them about your business. It is a great opportunity either to get new clients or improve your product/service by getting feedback.


Starting a business while travelling the world is absolutely possible. The main thing here is to remember why you have started, keep everything organized, be consistent and have fun. I cannot imagine my life without travelling and this way of life helped me to understand what I should do in order to run my business effectively. You can do the same following the steps above. Just never give up and believe in yourself. Good luck!

About the author: Tania Artemova is an entrepreneur, blogger, and business coach. She is a founder of IStartHub, an online magazine for entrepreneurs.