How to Travel Light: 5 Ways You Can Embrace Minimalist Travel

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Traveling is a great way to fill your life with wonderful experiences. Research has shown that time and time again, it helps bring long-lasting experiences instead of material possessions. But as wonderful as it is, it could also get pretty stressful at times. Certain circumstances, like flight delays, are already out of your control, there are some things that you can do to simplify your travels, and make life a lot easier (and less stressful!) For instance, the less you pack, the less stuff you need to haul with you while you’re on the road. You also have fewer things to worry about while your away. Here are five ways how you can embrace minimalist travel:

1. Get a smaller bag

Getting a smaller bag means that your things are a lot more accessible. It’s also easier to keep secure. You could place it in a locker, or tuck it under your seat on the bus or train. You’ll also have more mobility and comfort in a smaller bag. Large bags, on the other hand, are heavy even if you don’t place anything in it. Having a smaller bag also reducing the temptation of buying souvenirs in your trip, or bringing along other items and clothes that aren’t necessary. Think about the comfort a lighter bag brings you as well. Check out the best carry-on luggage here.

2. Analyze your packing list

Before you hit the road, make a packing list. Whether you’re going on a short trip or going backpacking across the globe, doing so will help you determine your most essential things and the non-essential stuff that you can leave behind. Here are some essentials that you can bring with you on your trip:

  • Travel wallet
  • Printed tickets
  • Credit cards and cash
  • Passport/Photocopy of your passport
  • Travel itinerary
  • Travel guide, map, and a couple of key phrases if you’re travelling to a foreign country.

The following are secondary essentials:

  • Comfortable shoes
  • Toothbrush
  • Sweater or jacket
  • A water bottle
  • Deodorant

3. Simplify your travel clothing

Here are some of the things that you need to remember to achieve a minimalist clothing packing list:

  • Identify the sweater, pants, or top that you love most, and pack that.
  • Commit to yourself to wash your clothes when travelling.
  • Choose a single colour palette if possible.
  • Choose your travel outfit from a pile of travel clothes and not just an addition to them. Doing this will save you the trouble of packing one more outfit.

4. Go low with your electronics

When it comes to electronics, try to keep it simple. Here’s a basic list:

  • Phone
  • Charger
  • Earphones

You can also consider stepping out from the minimalist list by bringing your DSLR camera with you to take breathtaking travel photos. But also keep in mind that bringing an additional camera with you is more than what you need. If you badly need to type, instead of bringing your laptop with you, consider getting bringing a Bluetooth keyword with you.

5. Make a capsule wardrobe

If you feel that you’re an over-packer, then you might need a capsule wardrobe! Capsule wardrobe refers to a small useful collection of the clothes you love, which can be used for the rest of the week. It usually involves several pieces of clothing that could be mixed and matched, helping you maximize space. It also significantly reduces the time it takes to choose your clothes every morning! If every piece that you packed goes well with one another, then choosing an outfit is easy. An excellent capsule wardrobe will include clothing for the following categories:

  • Workout
  • Lounge
  • Layers
  • Outdoor wear
  • Formal clothing
  • Accessories

You can also adjust these categories based on your lifestyle, or the type of trip that you’ll be embarking on. Now, gather all the clothing that you need in every category, and start to reduce! Ask yourself questions. How useful is this particular piece? How well does this suit the other things in your wardrobe? How well does every item fit you?

Over to You

To become a minimalist packer, this requires dedication, time, and knowing how to separate your wants from your needs. Hopefully, these tips will help you embrace the minimalist travel lifestyle!

Geraldine Mills is a brand consultant and a travel writer from Australia. She is a self-confessed wanderlust and loves to share the allure of bag packing through her content.