Who Cares About This Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Stuff Anyway?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Apparently there are a lot of people who care about social media, and you may be missing out on communicating with them if you do not have a communication strategy involving social media.

A recent study by ConferNet was reported in Third Sector news, and it highlighted the need for a multichannel approach to increase communication with members.

The research found that while communications with members should be a major focus for an organisation, 40% of organisations do not have a formal communications plan involving social media.

And of those that do have a plan 75% were ineffective.

Social media is proven to be an effective means of communication with all stakeholders, and organisations that do not currently engage are missing a significant opportunity to remain relevant and forward looking.

If you would further information on how Avondale Business School can help your organisation, contact Warrick Long

E: [email protected]

P: 02 4980 2168