Workplace Trends 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

At the beginning of the new year let’s take a moment to think about what trends are likely to impact on our businesses this year. According to a recent article in Business News Daily (read it here), the Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology (SOIP) has identified the top 10 from a survey of its members.








While this is predominantly US based, we all know that what happens in the US pervades our own environment sooner rather than later. These trends are very interesting and business leaders would do well to take note and assess if they and their businesses are ready. The detail is in the article, the main points are:

  1. Mobile assessments, collaboration and recruitment;
  2. More Big Data for decision making;
  3. Less work-life balance;
  4. Technology changes (again);
  5. Doing more with less;
  6. Multigenerational workforces;
  7. Recruiting new employees and retaining high achievers;
  8. Diversity initiatives;
  9. More social responsibility;
  10. New laws.

How are your positioned to respond to these looming trends? Some are new, others are continuations, while some are good news and others bad. Whatever, the important thing is to ensure your business thrives rather than just survives.

The Avondale Business School can advise your organisation on being effective in these areas – find out how by contacting Warrick Long at the Avondale Business School.

E: [email protected]

P: 02 4980 2168